
Big Boat wrap!

What a day it was this year for the Grinders Coffee SOLAS Big Boat Challenge! We took on a whole new level of broadcasting, and while we did have a few intermissions brought to you by “Telstra” (in the words of David Turton) we still managed to put together a great day, with awesome commentary. Check out the videos below in order to see what we got up to, and again a massive thanks to…
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AdventuresDinghyFoilingFundraisingMatch RacingNon-profit

RPAYC Pathways Panel: Lighting of the Fire in more ways than one

Each year the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club (RPAYC) holds their annual “Lighting of the Fire” event, a tradition to kick start Friday evening club drinks over the winter season. Last night, 25 May the event was held in conjunction with a fundraiser for the Olympic campaign of Australia’s current “Female Sailors of the Year”, Tash Bryant and Annie Wilmot. The fire…
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An 18ft Skiff Adventure: Queen of the Harbour

Wow. Yesterday’s adventure was definitely epic. The “Queen of the Harbour” on the International 18ft Skiff​ Yandoo with Woody, Burgers and Cam finishing a close third across the line (28:59)! Just awesome boats, insane rides and brilliantly close racing as you can see in my little clip here! Congratulations to the “Queen” Issy Quigley​ and The Kitchen Maker Skiff…
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