
Perseverance and possibilities

This week was a week of perseverance. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another. With challenging weather, boat handling break throughs, speed struggles, and a bit of a rollercoaster with my fatigue, it was important to focus on what was possible, rather than the impossible. After a big dentist appointment last Tuesday, my mind was excited to get out on the water…
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Train in the rain

They say you should train in the rain, because no one else will be. This may not be the case this summer; everyone may have to have a go given the long-range forecast! Nevertheless, I have been out there whenever there has been wind, which meant for some great rides this week even with the rain! Last Tuesday a massive storm cell over Canberra meant that HPS was cut short, just at the right time…
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California Times

After a cracker fortnight prior to my last post – last week I struggled to get on the water due to a series of rainy days killing the breeze. I don’t mind sailing in rain, but floating in rain is a completely different story! The lack of wind was probably a blessing in disguise. The week just gone served as a bit of catch up, I even had a massage last night! I was able to do a bit of…
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No consequences

The quote of the week this week was an old favourite – racing is training without consequences. I have started getting my groove back in the past two weeks, spending most days on the water. Tuesday and Wednesday I trained on the Spiral; crews were sparse this week due to the exam period in Canberra. Tuesday’s session with the HPS was an excellent continuation of my own training the…
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Getting visual

My third post, and my third week. Today was also the third training session that I have filmed on my new camera which is adding a completely new dimension to my training. Highlights of the week on the water were some brilliant breezy sails on the Spiral; on Thursday and also today, continuing the work on my transitions and alongside my boat handling. Canberra is the perfect place to work on…
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Phase one

After another week on in the journey, I have lots to fix as well as lots to learn. A windy week in Canberra resulted in a few breakages here and there and lots of lessons, mainly to re-learn. There are two parts to phase one of my sailing program for the next five years. Getting to know the 470, and continuing to work on my skippering. As I am too small for a Laser Radial – the Spiral is…
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The start of a journey

On the 27th October, I started a journey of getting to know my 470 sailing dinghy, Havvok. With daylight savings in full swing, and the kick off of the Canberra Yacht Club twilights on Lake Burley Griffin, it was the perfect time. After a winter of fiddling with the mast and the rig, and being nervous about what was to come, I fell in love with the 470 the minute we took off from the start line.
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The day after...

Well I guess it is just the day after Grandpa’s funeral… It was a beautiful, tiring, painful and‘together’ in a wayI have never experienced in such force. Memories flooding forward, tears flooding everyone!!! And a sense of family, and thankfulness that we had something to be missing, something that we would truly miss holding, but the knowledge that he has shaped all of…
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The Sailor Girl?

Today a funny thing happened… I got to the point where I apparently sail so much that it should become my name. I have been called “Sailor Girl” as far back as 2000 (that I can remember) by people at the sailing club… sometimes by kids at school… Mostly boys… But now there seems to be a few adventures happening… And you guys apparently want to hear about…
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