Nic Douglass caught up with David Turton from The Seabin Project, to chat about saving the world one bin at a time, the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race which would have started on Good Friday, the Mooloolaba Australasian Etchells Championship (David Turton is the defending champion), AND to decide on the Pantaenius Yacht Insurance “Video of the Week”!
Side-Nic Tiana Wittey AKA The 21st Birthday Girl was on hand to pass on your questions live and got a big surprise when a massive crowd joined the broadcast live on a Zoom party, which continued well into the evening off air.
Next week!!!! Hannah Mills Sailing will join the show to chat about the state of play in the UK, her sailing and to help judge the Video of the Week Comp! Keep recycling, stay safe and stay home
Please note: Counter to what was commented on this post and read out to Nic by T when we live, there is currently no official word on Cowes Week at present. As of 12 April there has been no mention of cancellation or postponement. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.
Check out Adventures Weekly on iTunes or Spotify
Nic has a number of shows (over 50) on iTunes and Spotify that can help to fill your days while in isolation.
Hope wherever you are in the world that you and your family and loved ones are staying safe, and staying home – see you next week!
For more adventures in the meantime, head to www.sailorgirlhq.com, or @sailorgirlhq on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.