I know I have in your eyes potentially been a bit slack… but in reality, nothing could be more far from the truth. It’s amazing how much one little Sailor Girl can achieve in one month. From live media, to sailing at world level (hence prepping for the ice bath above), and back again.
I have covered the SOLAS Big Boat Challenge (3,000+ listeners), the Extreme Sailing Series in Sydney, the Rolex Sydney Hobart (over 4,500 listeners for Adventures of a “Sailor Hurl”), competed in the Tasar World Championships (with 123 boats) finishing equal first (to my team – Mum and Dad, you are the best), and second on a count back, and now… I am at the Moth Worlds, doing live commentary with the Sailing Anarchy team. Make sure you check out all the action!
I have to say that I have been running on adrenalin for a number of days now, but still smiling on my lay day eve high on a bit of port, mosquito bites, and a few days of watching racing, rather than being out racing myself. I really wish that I had my Spiral in Melbourne today, because I would have been out there showing the Mothies how it is done :p (I wish!). That race course was a minefield for carbon porn today…
As for now… This Sailor Girl should probably go to bed… but make sure you check out the Sunset Radio App for all of the latest Sunset Radio coverage, or keep tabs to Adventures of a Sailor Girl on Facebook for updates on where exactly I am spending my amazing adventures.
Thank you so so much to all who have been sending me messages of support, hilarity, and just plain love over the past few weeks. You are the reason I have been able to achieve everything I am doing, and fuel to keep my energetic spirit on the go, whether on the water or on the shore.
Much love – Sailor Girl x